There’s no better place to meet your Russian Oligarch friend, or that former dictator you’re in leagues with, or the producer with the zombie film, than at the Hotel Du Cap-Eden-Roc. The helpful staff will assure you the privacy and discretion you’ve come to expect for your off-the-grid lifestyle. And this is where business is properly conducted, n’est-ce pas? After all, why shouldn’t one enjoy an afternoon delight or an epicurean dream whilst plotting the machinations and orbits of world finance and domination? The salt water infinity pool that hangs precariously on the side of the Cap is where you have your escort wait for you to finish your meeting. From there it’s to the Villa Eleana, which you’ve rented, so that your security staff can stay with you in the highest of style. This is your home for three months out of the year, and from here you’ll command the Empire in elegance and style.